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Affordable Healthcare Series- Iron


 Iron is an essential mineral used by the body to transport oxygen to all of our tissues.  A deficiency of iron can cause Anemia (fatigue/weakness), and a chronic deficiency may lead to organ failure.  Without sufficient iron your body cannot produce enough hemoglobin; a substance in red blood cells that make it possible for them to carry oxygen throughout your body.  Conversely, too much iron can lead to the production of harmful free radicals and may interfere with metabolism, leading to organ damage in the heart and liver.  An overdose of iron through the dietary (food based) intake is rare.  An overdose of iron is much more common through the use of over the counter iron supplements.  Remember not to consume too much iron in the evening because irons ability to increase your energy levels may bite you in the ass and keep you up all night!  I learned this lesson the hard way, twice.  As a side note, any foods high in vitamin C will enhance the body's absorption of iron.  As a general rule of medical thumb for daily iron intake is around 15mg-25mg for men, and 18mg-30mg for women.  Most research data warns of consuming 50mg or more as having the potential to become toxic, so err to the less.  The list that follows is a guide to some of the best homegrown sources of iron.  A 3/4 cup to 1 cup serving is ideal to meet the recommended DRI.  Grow these:

Swiss Chard 22% of DRI (184g!)

Spinach 20% of DRI (180g!)

Legumes (Beans and Peas) 25%of DRI (180g!)

Asparagus 16% of DRI

Honorable mentions:  Morel mushrooms!  Dried apricots, dark berries (Mulberries), Sunflower Seeds, Sweet Potatoes and Coconut.

Bottom Line- Happy blood and oxygen transport, metabolism and energy!