Affordable Healthcare Series- Copper

Copper is an essential trace mineral necessary for our survival.  Most copper resides in our liver, brain, heart, kidneys and skeletal muscle.  The body requires it for healthy bone and connective tissue production.  It greatly increases your body's ability to absorb iron and helps with energy production.  A recommended daily intake is around 0.5-2.0 milligrams.  Don’t consume too much before bedtime because it helps to assimilate iron, which has a byproduct called energy, and you won’t sleep, seriously!  A deficiency of copper can cause increased risk of infection, osteoporosis and impaired neurological functions.  Copper has proven necessary for proper cognitive function and neurodevelopment in children.  However, like anything else, too much copper can be very toxic to brain tissue and other organs; and can cause a mess of side effects!  Copper deficiency is rare.  It is normally caused by a genetic defect of copper metabolism; although an excessive intake of vitamin C or Zinc supplements may cause a similar symptom.  Natural sources, raw, will always be your best bet but use moderation.  The list below contains the ideal natural sources of copper in a percentage of the DRI. 

Grow these: 

Kale 22% of DRI per cup

Beets 24% of DRI per cup

Legumes (lentil, peas, and beans) 26%-56% of DRI per cup

Dark Leafy Greens 18% of DRI per cup

Honorable mention:  Mushrooms!  You may want to learn to grow or hunt the right ones rather than counting on your ancestor's ancient ways of gathering.  If you collect and eat the wrong ones, it could end up being quite unfortunate, or super trippy!  I’m only sharing my personal experience at “gathering.”  

Bottom Line- Happy bones, connective tissues, immune system, and joints.  Happy energy levels and better nutrient absorption.  


Affordable Healthcare Series- Iron


Affordable Healthcare Series- Mineral Must Haves