Affordable Healthcare Series- Folate



Also known as vitamin B-9, folate is in a wide range of raw foods, especially dark leafy greens.  It is the more bioavailable, natural form of B-9 that exists in a variety of plant tissues.  It is NOT folic acid, which is in over the counter supplements.  Folate, as one of the B vitamins, is needed for the formation of red and white blood cells in our bone marrow, the conversion of carbohydrates into energy, and the production of DNA and RNA during cellular growth and regeneration.  The dietary intake of folate is extremely important during periods of rapid growth such as pregnancy, infancy, and adolescence.  Research also suggests the consumption of folate and vitamin B-12 supplements may help with lowering the risk of stroke and may help ward off the symptoms of depression by preventing an excess of homocysteine forming in the body.  Homocysteine can block blood and other nutrients from reaching the brain.  More scientific data is being sought to verify this claim.  Folate or folic acid supplementation won’t serve as a treatment for depression, but it may be helpful in improving the body's response to anti-depressants.  Some of the best sources of folates are green vegetables and legumes, but don’t overcook!  Folate losses can exceed 90% if you cook the crap out of your vegetables!  Our bodies do not store folate or folic acid in our cells. Therefore, it is vital that we eat folate-rich foods each day to help maintain adequate nutritional levels.  You can achieve the recommended DRI in percentages by following the list below.  Grow these:

Spinach 65% DRI per cup

Asparagus 65% DRI per cup

Beets 34% DRI per cup

Broccoli 24% DRI per cup

Legumes (lentils, peas, and beans) 22%-89% DRI per cup

Honorable mention:  Avocados, again!  41% DRI per fruit, and Cauliflower; 14% DRI per cup.

Bottom Line: Happy bone marrow, healthy pregnancies, cellular development, energy conversion and mental state.  


Affordable Healthcare Series- Lutein


Affordable Healthcare Series- Fiber