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Affordable Healthcare Series- Magnesium


Magnesium is essential for cellular health and over 300 biochemical functions in the body.  There are over 3,700 magnesium binding sites in our bodies.  There are wide-ranging ideas of what the proper daily intake of magnesium should be, but the consistent average data suggests between 300mg for women and 400mg for men.  Research has concluded that magnesium benefits are far greater than previously imagined.  The human body requires and uses magnesium for so many different functions; you can quickly become deficient if you’re not consuming enough high Mg foods.  Many symptoms of magnesium deficiency and related health challenges may include hormone imbalance, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, tension and migraine headaches, fatigue and anxiety and the potential for heart attack. 

Only 1% of the magnesium in your body is in your blood, with the majority of it in your bones. 

Magnesium deficiency is chronically under-diagnosed because it doesn’t show up on standard blood tests.  People taking medications for type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, Crohn’s disease, osteoporosis or heartburn are at a higher risk of Mg deficiency.  Another likely reason for this deficient Mg intake is the tendency of the average U.S. diet to focus predominantly on heavily processed convenience foods at the expense of the green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, and legumes that are among the best sources of this vital mineral.  If you or your doctor suspect you may be low in magnesium, your best alternative to address this issue is to start eating foods that are rich in this mineral.  Duh! Keep your medical professional in your plan though!  The list that follows is the four most easily grown foods for magnesium.  Try to consume 1 cup of any on the list to meet your daily DRI.  Grow these:


Spinach                                                                                                           157mg  40% of DRI

Swiss Chard                                                                                                    154mg  38% of DRI

Black Beans                                                                                                    120mg  30% of DRI

Quinoa                                                                                                            121mg  30% of DRI

Honorable mentions:  Pumpkin Seeds (¼ cup 184mg; 46% DRI), Almonds (1oz 80mg; 20% DRI), Avocado (1 medium fruit 58mg; 15% DRI), and Figs (½ cup 50mg; 13% DRI)  

Bottom Line- Happy cellular development, bone integrity, nerves, blood sugar control, blood pressure and heart, energy and metabolism, muscles and immune system.