Affordable Healthcare Series- Potassium


There are countless reasons why you need to consume adequate amounts of potassium daily.  It is an essential nutrient and the third most abundant mineral in the body.  Research data shows diets high in potassium greatly improve blood pressure by reducing blood clotting and efficient opening of blood vessels.  (See the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension studies, DASH diet, Mayo Clinic) Potassium has been shown to play an important role in strong kidney health and associated with a reduction in kidney stone risk.  The natural occurring potassium salts in PLANT foods neutralize blood acidity, preventing the leaching of calcium from the bones which in turn reduces urine calcium; preventing stone deposits.  Bananas have been thought to be one of the best sources for edible potassium.  However, this requires a lot of daily bananas, and you should note the nutrient (in this case potassium) intake to calories consumed.  The current recommended DRI (DV), is 3500mg of potassium daily for adults.  That’s just too many daily bunches of bananas.  Don’t get unbalanced trying to prevent kidney stones!  Do not use high doses of potassium salts either.  It can cause a severe negative side effect, and you may find yourself barfing a lot, just before the heart attack!  If you are on dialysis or have a special condition, an overdose of potassium from NATURAL sources is highly improbable.  However, please talk to your doctors and include them in your plans to up your intake of potassium, regardless of its source.  Remember, I’m just a kick-ass garden junkie, NOT a doctor!  You can easily eat your way through the list of the best sources found below.  The recommended DRI (DV), is 3500mg; the list is on a per cup consumption, don’t get fat chasing potassium.  Grow these:

White Beans 29% DRI, 1004mg per cup

Spinach 25% DRI, 839mg per cup

Swiss Chard 27% DRI per cup

Acorn Squash 25% DRI, 896mg per cup

Honorable Mentions:  Avocado! 32% DRI, 1116mg per medium fruit.  Mushroom (White), 12% DRI, 428mg per cup.  Dried Apricots 22% DRI, 756mg per ½ cup.

Bottom Line- Happy blood pressure, kidneys, electrolyte balance, heart and nervous system.  Happy brain, muscles, and cellular functions.  


Affordable Healthcare Series- Sulfur


Affordable Healthcare Series- Phosphorus